Germany, Legal
Confiscation of all Jewish valuables. A law on Tenancies is passed, foreseeing all Jews living together in “Jewish houses”.
1 April
Armed Forces, Navy

The battleship Tirpitz is launched. Erich Raeder is promoted from General-Admiral to Grand-Admiral, a rank unused since World War I.
SS, Totenkopfverbände
The organization of the SS-Totenkopfverbände was fixed at: four Standarten of three Sturmbanne with three infantry companies, comprising 148 men each, one machine-gun company comprising 150 men, and medical, transport and communications units. By the end of 1938 Eicke’s men had all received some basic military training. The SS-Totenkopfverbände made no tactical contribution to the German campaign in Poland, but was extensively employed in the Führer’s social plan for that country where the SS-Totenkopfverbände received its initiation in blood, being employed in terrorizing the civilian population.
2 April
Spain, German aid
The end of the Spanish Civil War is officially announced in the last Nationalist military communiqué issued in Madrid at midnight on this day. It states: Today the Red Army is captive and disarmed and the Nationalist troops have achieved their final military objective. The war is over.
14 April
Nazi Party, Awards
Hitler, in response to the last Nationalist military communiqué from Spain announces the institution of an award for the bravery of the members of the Condor Legion, which is also to serve as a campaign medal. It is worthy of note that the title bestowed on the entire series of this new award at the time of request for design approval was that of the Spanish Cross of the Legion Condor.
27 April
Germany, Diplomacy

Hitler repudiates the Anglo-German Naval Treaty, which had been signed four years earlier.
29 April
Armed Forces, Navy
The heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper is commissioned.