3 September
Mediterranean, Italy
General Bernard Montgomery’s Eighth Army crosses from Sicily to seize a bridgehead in Calabria. The British encounter little opposition as the Germans in southern Italy have orders to withdraw.
4-5 September
Pacific, Papua New Guinea
An Allied offensive is launched to capture the major settlement and airfield at Lae. Amphibious landings are made around 20 miles (30 km) east of Lae on the 4th. US paratroopers land at Nadzeb on the 5th and begin securing the Markham River valley.
8 September
Politics, Italy
The surrender of Italy is officially announced by the Allies. German forces take over the north of the country and occupy coastal defenses in anticipation of a major Allied invasion. They disarm Italian ground units but the navy succeeds in sending 24 warships to Malta.
9 September
Mediterranean, Italy
Lieutenant General Mark Clark’s US Fifth Army, plus the British X Corps, lands in the Gulf of Salerno.
10-11 September
Mediterranean, Sardinia/Corsica
The Germans withdraws 25,000 men from Sardinia to Italy, via Corsica. A 7000-strong French and US force leaves Algeria to occupy Corsica at the beginning of October.
11-15 September
Pacific, Papua New Guinea
Salamaua is captured on the 11th and Lae four days later.These victories deny the Japanese a key port and airfield. The Japanese are now left occupying the Finschhafen fort. The fort has to be taken to clear the peninsula, which is adjacent to the sea approaches to New Britain - the next Allied objective.
12 September
Politics, Italy

German airborne troops led by Lieutenant Colonel Otto Skorzeny rescue Mussolini from imprisonment in Gran Sasso in the Abruzzi Mountains. Mussolini, however, will now be under Germany’s control.
12-18 September
Mediterranean, Italy
German forces fiercely counterattack the Allies around Salerno and threaten the entire bridgehead. Only massive aerial and artillery support saves the besieged Allied units.
15 September
Mediterranean, Aegean Sea

British forces land on the island of Kos in the Dodecanese. The islands, off southwest Turkey, are a potential approach to southeast Europe and a base for air operations against German communications and oil resources in Romania. A victory here might also persuade Turkey to support the Allied cause as the threat of German air raids from Rhodes would be eliminated. Kos is to be a springboard for an assault against the German stronghold on Rhodes. By the end of September, British forces make contact with cooperative Italian troops on most of the neighboring islands.
17 September
Eastern Front, Soviet Union
The Red Army capture Bryansk.
19-23 September
Sea War, Atlantic

The German U-boat packs resume operations against Allied convoys. They are now equipped with electronic monitoring devices, improved anti-aircraft guns, and acoustic torpedoes. Twenty U-boats inflict serious losses on warships and merchant vessels in convoys ON-202 and ONS-28 from the 18th to the 23rd.
21 September
Sea War, Far East
Australian commandos sink two Japanese transports after canoeing into Singapore harbor.
22 September
Eastern Front, Crimea
The Soviet Thirteenth Army crosses the Dniepr River south of Kiev and bridgeheads gradually emerge along it.
Pacific, Papua New Guinea
Allied land and seaborne offensives begin against the Japanese on the Huon Peninsula.
Sea War, Arctic
A raid by British midget submarines to destroy the German battle squadron at Altenfiord in Norway cripples the battleship Tirpitz. The submarines, however, are unable to attack the battlecruiser Scharnhorst as it is at sea, and the pocket battleship Lützow could not be found. The three midget submarines involved in the attack on the Tirpitz are sunk.
22-23 September
Mediterranean, Italy
The Eighth Army’s 78th Division lands at Bari. British forces then advance to seize Foggia and its valuable airfield five days later.
23 September
Politics, Italy
Benito Mussolini announces the formation of the Italian Social Republic in northwest Italy. Germany, however, is given control of some northern areas by this ‘republic.’
25 September
Eastern Front, Soviet Union
The Soviets recapture Smolensk in their continuing offensive. Germany’s Army Group Center is now falling back in some disarray.