14 December
SS, Waffen-SS

The Leibstandarte’s “first blooding” was over when the Röhm Putsch shooting finally ended on July 2. As a reward for their loyalty and involvement, Dietrich was promised by Hitler that he would see that the Leibstandarte became a fully equipped regiment. A rare honour was conferred on the Leibstandarte in early October 1934 when it was decided that it should be fully motorized. At this time the Reichswehr in the main is still horse-drawn and this decision leads to whispers of discontent in military circles. The Political Readiness Detachments were to be reorganized into battalions and then amalgamated within the Leibstandarte under Himmler’s orders. The Leibstandarte now consists of: one Staff, three motorized infantry battalions, one motorcycle company, one motor company, one signals platoon, one armoured car platoon, one regimental band.