24 October
Germany, Legal

Hitler issues a decree establishing the scope and aims of the DAF, “The German Labour Front is the organization of all German professional and manual workers. It includes, in particular, the members of the former labour unions, of the unions of employees, and of the former associations of employers, which are united in the Labour Front on a footing of complete equality. The aim of the Labour Front is the formation of a real national community of all Germans. The Labour Front has the duty of adjusting the legitimate interest of all parties in a manner conforming with National Socialist principles. Attached to the Labour Front is the organization ‘Strength through Joy’. The Labour Front has the further duty of looking after the professional education of its adherents.” Thus Dr Ley is given responsibility for the social, educational and political well-being of the entire German working population. Membership in the DAF is of two kinds, individual and corporate. Hitler charges Reichsleiter Dr Robert Ley, leader of the DAF and all affiliated labour organizations, with leading the German labour effort. The term Reichsleiter is the official designation for Hitler’s position as leaders of the Third Reich. However, it is also applied to departmental heads, and is highly regarded by senior Nazis.