Spain, German aid

In September a further flight of fighters, a flight of reconnaissance aircraft, a heavy battery of antiaircraft guns and two tank companies are sent to Franco from Germany through Portugal. The pocket battleship Deutschland appears off Ceuta. The German submarines U-33 and U-34 have been in Spanish waters since the outbreak of the civil war, having been sent there to represent German interests. Also in September, Oberstleutnant Walter Warlimont, a general staff officer from the army general staff, is appointed Plenipotentiary delegate of the Wehrmacht in Spain. The German Minister of Justice, Hans Frank, conveys to the Duce: “The Führer desires to receive you in Germany at the earliest possible moment, not only in your capacity as head of the government but also as founder and Duce of a party with affinities to National Socialism.” Mussolini expresses his wishes to undertake the trip: “It must, however, be well prepared so as to produce concrete results. It will cause a great stir and must therefore be historically important in its results.” The Duce was anxious to prove that he could excite a Berlin crowd to the same heights of enthusiasm as he had done in Rome. Count Ciano personally makes the plans for the state visit, scheduled for September 25-29, 1937. He also emphasizes the importance of uniforms during the visit: “We must appear more Prussian than the Prussians.”
8-14 September
Nazi Party, Rallies
Party Rally of Honour, Nuremberg.