Germany, Local Government

Carl Gördeler resigns as Mayor of Leipzig. Formally a Nazi supporter, he has become disillusioned by rearmament and growing anti-Semitism.
20 April
Nazi Party, Personalities

On the occasion of his 48th birthday, Hitler receives the good wishes and an expensive hand-crafted SS sword bearing the inscription: “In good times and bad, we will always be the same”, from the leadership corps of the SS.
26 April
Spain, German aid
The bombers of the German Luftwaffe are sent to help Franco destroy Guernica, the cultural and spiritual home of the Basques. It is market day and the square is crowded when the bombers, Heinkel He 111s and Junker Ju 52s, escorted by fighters, appear and pound Guernica with high explosives. They then set the town alight with incendiary bombs and strafe it with machine-gun fire. Eyewitnesses later tell of the death that rained down on them. The bombing has shocked the world.
There were military targets in Guernica: it was a communications centre and it had a munitions factory. But there is no evidence that the German bombers aimed for them. They simply unloaded their bombs indiscriminately on this undefended town.