Third Reich Day by Day: June 1937

Germany and Italy had not always been close allies; indeed, during the early 1930s Mussolini had moved troops up to the Austrian border to deter Hitler from influencing events in Austria. However, Hitler had supported Mussolini’s war in Ethiopia and both dictators found themselves supporting the anti-communist cause in Spain. It was, therefore, perhaps logistical that they should ultimately become allies. That process was cemented by the Duce’s historic trip to Germany in 1937, when the Nazis pulled out all the stops to win over Italy’s leader.


Nazi Party, Gestapo

Nazi Party Day in 1937. The figure on the extreme right is Martin Bormann, who at the time was a Gauleiter.
Nazi Party Day in 1937. The figure on the extreme right is Martin Bormann, who at the time was a Gauleiter.
Another shot of the 1937 Party Day. Here, Hitler talks with Rudolf Hess, whose influence was beginning to wane.
Another shot of the 1937 Party Day. Here, Hitler talks with Rudolf Hess, whose influence was beginning to wane.

Secret orders are issued from Heydrich ordering “protective custody”, meaning concentration camp, for those jailed for “racial offences” after release from jail, i.e. Jewish liaisons with Aryans. Heydrich now heads both the SD and Gestapo under the structure of the Reich Security Administration.

By this time the Gestapo was joined with the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo - Criminal Police) under the umbrella of a new organization, the Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo - Security Police)

8 June

Armed Forces, Navy

The heavy cruiser Blücher is launched.

17 June

Armed Forces, Navy

A state funeral, attended by Hitler, is held at Kiel for the 31 dead of the Deutschland. Their names are: Lobitz, Martens, Schmitz, Martin, Zimmermann, Busche, Sehm, Denno, Gerhardt, Männing, Oelrich, Schübert, Inglen, Bochem, Faltin, Wille, Gallus, Brüchner, Mies, Manja, Röbers, Schöslkopf, Bismark, Eckart, Schubert, Holzwarth, Meyer, Woftweber, Fischer, Steiger and Dürr.